Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Free of Charge/No Hay Cuesta

Proper 13 A 2014 (bi-lingual)

Today, we hear that the finest food does not cost money. Todavia escuchamos que el provecho mas sabroso no hay cuesta.

“Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” “Consigan vino y leche sin pagar nada.”

When we gather, the richest food is free of charge. Cuando reunimos, el provecho mas sabroso no hay cuesta.

In our common life we speak much of money and grants. We speak of dreams and plans for our parish, our buildings, our programs. En nuestra vida comun aqui hablamos mucho de dinero y becas. Hablamos del suenos y visiones por nuestra parrochia, por nuestros edificios, y nuestras programas.

But what gives life and meaning to all of that is free of charge. Pero el que se da vida y significa a todo esto no hay cuesta.

The food of God is the love of God in Christ. El provecho de Dios es el amor de Dios en Cristo Jesus.

The food of God is the Word and the Sacraments, the peace of the Spirit. El provecho de Dios es la Palabra y los Sacramentos, la paz del Espiritu Santo.

The food of God is the presence of Holy Spirit in the midst of the gathered community. El provecho de Dios es la presencia del Espiritu Santo en la media de la comunidad reunido.

That food we have in abundance. Este provecho tenemos en abundancia

At times that food seems scarce. A veces este comida parece escaso.

We struggle to overcome barriers that language and culture can present. Luchamos para vencerer sobre barreras de lenguaje y cultura puede presentar.

We work hard to try and worship together, and to make decisions together. Trabajamos para orar juntos, y hacer decisiones juntos.

At times, our life together seems as small and fragile as two fish and a little bread. A veces nuestra vida comun parece pequeno y fragil como dos pecados y un poquito de pan.

But today, Jesus blesses these small, fragile gifts, and tells us to break them and give them to the community. Pero todavia el Senor Jesus les bendiga estos donos pequenos y fragiles y se mandanos a fraccionarlos y a darlos a la comunidad.

And there will be abundance. Y sera abundancia.

In this broken and fearful world, there are few examples of peoples who come together in the name of God amidst differences of language and culture. En este mundo lleno del miedo y divisiones, hay pocos exemplos del pueblo quienes reunen en el nombre de Dios en la media de diferencias del lenguage y cultura.

But we are trying. Pero tratamos esto.

The church of God is called to be a sign of hope. La iglesia de Dios esta llamada a ser un senal de esperanza.

Our life together is a sign of hope for unity in a divided world. Nuestra vida comun es un senal de esperanza por unidad en un mundo dividido.

God promises today that our life together is not just for ourselves, but for those not yet with us who hunger for that hope and that sign. Todavia el Dios nos promesa que nuestra vida no es por nosotros solamente, sino por aquellos que no estamos ya con nosotros, quien tiene hambre por esta esperanza y este senal.

“See, you shall call nations that you do not know, and nations that do not know you shall run to you, because of the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, for he has glorified you." “Tú llamarás a pueblos desconocidos;
pueblos que no te conocían irán corriendo a ti,
porque yo, tu Señor, el Dios Santo de Israel,
te he honrado.”

1 comment:

The Vicar of the Lower Columbia said...

...and you are, in fact, signs of hope. Gracias a Dios.