Friday, August 26, 2011


From time to time the parish has wondered, asserted, discussed, and argued about "What exactly IS Anglo-Catholic?" Here's one from a Bishop Weston from 1923, who says what makes most sense to me on the matter:

"...If you are prepared to fight for the right of adoring Jesus in his Blessed Sacrament, then you have got to come out from before your Tabernacle and walk, with Christ mystically present in you, out into the streets of this country, and find the same Jesus in the people of your cities and your villages. You cannot claim to worship Jesus in the Tabernacle, if you do not pity Jesus in the slum... Go out and look for Jesus in the ragged, in the naked, in the oppressed and sweated, in those who have lost hope, in those who are struggling to make good. Look for Jesus. And when you see him, gird yourselves with his towel and try to wash their feet"

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