Tuesday, October 20, 2009

CeltPub Fuel for Oct 20

CeltPub Conversation fuel—October 20 2009 Lucky Lab 4:30-6:00 P

In the Intro (p. X) Newell writes, “’The whole universe takes part in the dance’” (Jesus) says. Jesus is speaking of a harmony at the heart of life. And he is pointing to a way of moving in relation to all things, even though he knows also the price of living in relation to such a unity.” When and where have you felt the dance? “Moved in relation”? And what is “the price to pay”? Have you ever paid some of that price?

Newell refers to John Scotus Eriugena: “…Christ is our memory. We suffer from the ‘soul’s forgetfulness’, he says. Christ comes to reawaken us to our true nature. He is our epiphany. He comes to show us the face of God. He comes to show us also our face, the true face of the human soul.” He goes on to say the relationship of “nature and grace” in the Celtic tradition is not one of opposition but one of relationship and restoration. How does this live along with what you have been taught or inferred from “mainstream” Christian presentations of “nature and grace” if any? What questions, gifts, challenges does this pose from the context of your own life?

Or, talk about what you wish!

At 5:30, we’ll pass around a sheet where you may a) propose other kinds and times of gatherings which b) you are invited to sign your name to offer to host/co-ordinate.

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